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Showing posts with the label making

Hofner Colorama II restoration project part 15 making a new nut

The old nut on our Hofner Colorama II was in a terrible state. It was too shallow and had a piece of card underneath it in order to raise it up. Additionally the bottom was not flat. Here it is: I have no reason to trust this nut at all, so I'm not going to use it as a template for the new one. So here I am sanding a new piece of bone down to the right thickness using a piece of coarse sandpaper set on a flat surface: Then cutting the bone to length: Here I’m checking it fits nicely into the nut slot: Before I can continue, I need to make up a new half pencil, since I appear to have misplaced my old one. So we take a normal pencil: Slice it down the middle (watch your fingers): Superglue the lead into place (optional, but I find it a good idea, since there’s nothing really holding the lead in place at this stage): Remove superglued finger from pencil (again, optional): Sand pencil flat: And then I usually put some Sellotape (Scotch tape) along the bottom of the pencil to stop from

Tutorial Making PIANO KEYBOARD with LM555 IC

Hi everyone, today I will guide you how to make a powerful piano keyboard with LM555 IC. OK let's go! Piano keyboard description Here we will show how to build a piano keyboard which generate simple electronic keyboard musical notes DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA, SI, DO1 and RE1, as shown in the following diagram (keyboard piano). Piano Keyboard with IC LM555 Piano keyboard operation circuit This circuit has a piano keyboard wave generator essentially comprises a 555 which operates as an astable multivibrator circuit. This type of operation is characterized by an output square wave of width defined by the designer. The outgoing wave frequency can be controlled by the resistor is connected between pins 7-8 and 2-7 in addition to the capacitor connected to pin 2 grounded. The resulting frequency can be calculated under the following equation. Where R eq is the result according to the push button is pressed on the keyboard piano. Therefore we can in our piano keyboard similar sound of an