Trial Run of Delta PLC
Before Starting the Trial Run of Delta PLC anyone should check following things
Power Indication of Delta PLC
1. At the front of the MPU or the expansion unit, there is a “POWER” LED. When the MPU is powered ON, the LED (in green) will be ON. If the indicator is not on when the MPU is powered up, it means there is problem that DC power supplies to PLC. Thus, it is important to check whether the wiring of +24V and 0V are properly conducted. If ERROR LED is blinking swiftly, it means +24VDC does not supply enough power to delta PLC.
2. If the other indicator, “L. V”, that locates at the front of the extension unit is on, it means that the input power voltage to the extension unit is insufficient, and the output from the extension unit should be prohibited.
1. Make sure that the power wiring and the I/O wiring are both conducted properly before the power ON. Please ensure NOT supply AC110V or AC220V to the I/O terminals, or the wiring might be short circuit which would damage the PLC directly.
2. After using the peripheral devices to write the program into the MPU and that the ERROR LED of the MPU is not on, it means that the program in use is legitimate, and it is now waiting for the user to give the RUN command.
3. Use HPP to execute the forced On/Off test of the output contact.
Operation & Testing DVP14SS Delta PLC:
1. If the ERROR LED of the MPU is not blinking, use the peripheral device to give the RUN command, and the RUN indicator will then be on.
2. HPP could be utilized to monitor the settings and the registered values of the timer, the counter and the data register during operation. Also it is used to force the I/O contacts to conduct the On/Off motion. If the ERROR LED is on (but not blinking), it means that the setting of the user’s program has exceeded the preset time-out limit. At this case, please turn the PLC RUN/STOP switch to STOP, and find out the address of the time-out program by special data register D1008. ”WDT” instruction can be used to solve the problem.
The PLC I/O Response Time:
The total response time of the PLC from the input signal to the output motion is calculated as follows:
“Response Time” = “input interface delay time” + “user’s program scan time” + “output motion delay time”
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